Monday, December 10, 2007

To page 76

In this reading we meet Mr. _______'s father and brother. They all seem to be very similar. They do not approve of Shug staying at the house. Celie overhears them and actually sticks up for what she believes in. I cannot believe that she spit in his drink! I think this is uncharacteristic of Celie. She has now become a girl who is trying to speak her mind and is becoming more assertive. At the beginning of the book, she would never have done anything to even close to that. I think that this change has come because of Shug. Celie and Shug have become friends and are looking out for each other. This gives Celie the confidence to be more like Shug- a strong, powerful female. I also am a little confused about the relationship between Shug and Celie. It seems as though Celie likes her as more than a friend. The quote that led me to think this is on page 74. Celie says, "I love looking at Shug." It seems as though she likes Shug because she finds security in her. She has had horrible experiences with men, and she knows that Shug would never hurt her. Also, another big change from earlier is the way the Shug treats Celie. When she first met her, she called her ugly and was very mean to her. Now, Shug and Celie are great friends and Shug even dedicated a song to her.

Well... enough about them

I think that Harpo is getting himself into big trouble by turning his house into a juke joint. He doesn't think that Sofia will ever return, but I think that they had too good of a relationship for it to end so quickly. I think he does turn it into a juke joint because he needs something to keep him occupied. He can't stop thinking about her, which shows that he really had feelings for her, unlike Mr. _______ to Celie. As Celie says, they have such a great relationship. I think that Celie is urging him to fix the relationship because it is something that she never had, but always wanted. She doesn't want Harpo to take something so valuable for granted.


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