Sunday, December 9, 2007

to page 76

In the beginning of the reading Mr. ____'s dad first comes to visit and then his brother. When his dad comes to visit he questions why Shug is there. Celie seems to be offended with what he's saying about Shug and even spits in his drink. I don't really know why she does this, maybe she feels like she needs to stick up for Shug in some way. On page 55 she even says, the next time he comes she's going to put a little of Shug's pee in his glass.
Then later in the reading Sofia notices that Harpo has been eating a lot. This comes to me as really weird because we would never think that something is going on if a guy seems to be eating more and more. We would think he's just being a guy. Then on page 61 she asks Celie to keep an eye on his eating habits too to see if she notices everything. Of course Celie notices something and finds out what is going on. On page 63 Harpo is crying and crying about how Sofia doesn't listen to what he says. He wants Sofia to act like Celie does for Mr. ____. The reason he is eating so much is so that he can become bigger or at least as large as Sofia so he can handle her and over power her. Leah, I do think he feels the need to beat her because of his father's ways. Mr. ____ always put pressure on him to be the "man" and take control. Sofia then leaves with her children to her sister's house.
On page 70 it says how Sofia has been gone for six months.It also says how Harpo is changing. He has been always keeping busy and now he's working on a new project. I think he is keeping busy just to keep his mind off Sofia. The more down time he has, the more time he has to think about her. He is making a jukejoint, which I am guessing is somewhat of a place for entertainment. Like a small theatre for singers and entertainers and then seats around the stage to watch. Shug even comes to sing and really gets the place going. On page 74 it says of how Shug makes a song for Miss Celie. This is when I really see a bond between them. This song brightens up Celie but also show's Shug's appreciation for all that Celie has done.
On page 75 Shug begins talking about leaving in June. Celie becomes upset and explains to Shug why she doesn't want her to leave. Celie doesn't want Shug to leave because once she does, then Mr. ___ will beat her again. He hasn't beat her since Shug has been here. Then Shug decides that she won't leave until she knows that Celie is safe from Mr. ____'s beatings. I think that Shug and Celie share somewhat of a sister bond. They seem to watch out for eachother and care for eachother like sisters. At least, that's how I see their compassion.

I predict that Sofia will come back, but now with the Jukejoint there will be no place for her to stay. So she will never be able to stay. If she doesn't come back, I think there will be some sort of event that involves Sofia, because I really don't think that's the last of her.


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