Tuesday, December 18, 2007

to page 147

In this section it's mostly about Nettie's letters. She tells Celie of all the places and things she has seen. She talks about the huge boat she is on, the Malaga and how great everything is. She was in England and talked about the tea that she got to drink, and she even got to drink out of the same glasses as everyone else. This is strange because black people never could do that. On page 141 Nettie talks about Africa. Then she also says how strange it was for her to see a white person at first. Most people even now think Africa has no white people. I then remembered how one girl from our school came from Africa, and she is white. When she talked about it, the way she described it was nothing like America, but I immediately thought of her when Nettie mentioned a white African.
Nettie now wants to kill Albert. She is so upset that he has lied and kept Nettie's letters away from her. However Shug calms her down and tells her if she kills him then she won't be able to see Nettie and nobody will be able to look at her the same. Celie is lucky she has Shug to help her when she is upset, or I think she would've done many things that she would've regretted. Shug is also there to just talk to her and be a friend, which Celie really needs. Now Shug talks about making Celie some pants. Women don't usually wear pants so it should be interesting to see and hear everyone's reactions of Celie's pants. I wonder how they will turn out.

Oh and Leah, that whole idea for getting the book done is great. We can easily do that and we'll have plenty of time to make a cool project to present. Plus with all these great entries it will be easy to collect notes and make whatever we can imagine! :)


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